Saturday, May 24, 2008


By: shivesh



Diabetes is a disease that affects your body’s ability to produce or use insulin. Insulin is a hormone. When your body turns the food you eat into energy (also called sugar or glucose), insulin is released to help transport this energy to the cells. Insulin acts as a “key.” Its chemical message tells the cell to open and receive glucose. If you produce little or no insulin, or are insulin resistant, too much sugar remains in your blood. Blood glucose levels are higher than normal for individuals with diabetes.

There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2.


Diabetes is a disease that causes an abnormally high level of sugar, or glucose, to build up in the blood. Type 1 diabetes - previously labeled insulin-dependent, or juvenile, diabetes- is caused by the destruction of cells in the pancreas (an organ located just behind the stomach) that produce the hormone insulin.


Type 1 (Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus):

Type 1 diabetes is treated with intensive insulin therapy. This type of treatment is designed to achieve near-normal blood sugars safely - while keeping the episodes of low blood sugars (”insulin reactions”) to a minimum. Insulin therapy includes:

* Multiple Daily Injections of Insulin (Flexibility is important!).

* Use of Insulin Pens or Pumps.

* Use of new type of insulin: Lispro or Humalog (extremely fast-acting) - replaces regular insulin.

Type 2 (Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus):

The treatment used in treating type 2 diabetes will be based on the physiological defects experienced by the patient. The three most common problem areas are: the pancreas, the liver and the muscle.

* Pancreas: Abnormal response to meals.

* Liver: Abnormal sugar production.

* Muscle: Abnormal lack of sensitivity to insulin.


Diabetes is one of the most common disorders in which either the pancreas produces insufficient amounts of the hormone insulin or the body cells become resident to the hormone’s effects.

1. Eat green vegetables, coriander, cucumber, cabbage, coconut, chenopodium album (bathu), creeper of pumpkin, cucumber, cabbage, bitter guard, carrot, tomato, lemon, radish, onion and ginger.

2. Eat fiber rich food like apple, figs, guava, lemon and orange. Grains rich in fibers are barley, oatmeal, maize, wheat flour, jowar, bajra, whole wheat, rice flakes, refined wheat flour (without husk) and puffed rice. Other sources of fiber are coriander seeds, cumin seeds, dry pepper and turmeric.

3. Soak 90-100 seeds in 250 gms of water in the evening. Mash them in morning, sieve in a cloth and drink mixture regularly. Take daily for two months to cure diabetes.

4. Take juice of bilva and parijataka leaves in equal parts for natural remedy of diabetes. Take two teaspoons of it twice a day.

5. Eat grapefruits regularly for diabetes natural remedy.

6. Boil 3-4 fresh leaves of mango tree in the morning and drink. It is also very effecting in curing diabetes.

7. Take soyabean in diet. It does not contain sugar and is a good source of energy for diabetes.

8. Do regular exercises to reduce the chances of developing coronary artery disease and also improves control over diabetes.

9. Avoid exertion and always try to stay free from tension.

10. Avoid sweets, chocolates, rice, banana, grapes, mangoes, dry fruits, oils, cakes and pastries.

11. Drink half-cup karela (bitter gourd) juice daily. It is an effective natural home remedy for diabetes.

12. Avoid drinking alcohol (including beer, gin, wines and whisky).

13. Lower your fat intake for obese diabetic patients. Do regular morning walk and exercises to reduce weight.

14. Avoid infections, burns and injuries as they develop ketosis in such stressful conditions.


Since antiquity, diabetes has been treated with plant medicines. Recent scientific investigation has confirmed the efficacy of many of these preparations, some of which are remarkably effective. Only those herbs that appear most effective, are relatively non-toxic and have substantial documentation of efficacy are covered here.

Pterocarpus marsupium (Indian Kino, Malabar Kino, Pitasara, Venga):

This herb has a long history of use in India as a treatment for diabetes. The flavonoid, (-)-epicatechin, extracted from the bark of this plant has been shown to prevent alloxan-induced beta cell damage in rats.

Both epicatechin and a crude alcohol extract of Pterocarpus marsupium have actually been shown to regenerate functional pancreatic beta cells. No other drug or natural agent has been shown to generate this activity.

Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia):

Bitter melon, also known as balsam pear, and has been used extensively in folk medicine as a remedy for diabetes. The blood sugar lowering action of the fresh juice or extract of the unripe fruit has been clearly established in both experimental and clinical studies.

Bitter melon is composed of several compounds with confirmed anti-diabetic properties. Charantin, extracted by alcohol, is a hypoglycemic agent composed of mixed steroids that is more potent than the drug tolbutamide which is often used in the treatment of diabetes. Momordica also contains an insulin-like polypeptide, polypeptide-P, which lowers blood sugar levels when injected subcutaneously into type 1 diabetic patient. The oral administration of 50-60 ml of the juice has shown good results in clinical trials.

Gymnema Sylvestre (Gurmar, Meshasringi, Cherukurinja):

Gymnema assists the pancreas in the production of insulin in Type 2 diabetes. Gymnema also improves the ability of insulin to lower blood sugar in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. It decreases cravings for sweet. This herb can be an excellent substitute for oral blood sugar-lowering drugs in Type 2 diabetes. Some people take 500 mg per day of gymnema extract.

Onion and Garlic (Allium cepa and Allium sativum):

Onion and garlic have significant blood sugar lowering action. The principal active ingredients are believed to be allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) and diallyl disulphide oxide (allicin), although other constitutents such as flavonoids may play a role as well.

Onion extract was found to reduce blood sugar levels during oral and intravenous glucose tolerance. The effect improved as the dosage was increased; however, beneficial effects were observed even for low levels that used in the diet (eg. 25 to 200 grams). The effects were similar in both raw and boiled onion extracts. Onions affect the hepatic metabolism of glucose and/or increase the release of insulin, and/or prevent insulin’s destruction.

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum):

Experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated the antidiabetic properties of fenugreek seeds. The active ingredient responsible for the antidiabetic properties of fenugreek is in the defatted portion of the seed that contains the alkaloid trogonelline, nicotinic acid and coumarin.

Blueberry leaves (Vaccinium myrtillus):

A decoction of the leaves of the blueberry has a long history of folk use in the treatment of diabetes. The compound myrtillin (an anthocyanoside) is apparently the most active ingredient. Upon injection it is somewhat weaker than insulin, but is less toxic, even at 50 times the 1 g per day therapeutic dose. A single dose can produce beneficial effects lasting several weeks.

Asian Ginseng:

Asian ginseng is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat diabetes. It has been shown to enhance the release of insulin from the pancreas and to increase the number of insulin receptors. It also has a direct blood sugar-lowering effect.

A recent study found that 200 mg of ginseng extract per day improved blood sugar control as well as energy levels in Type 2 diabetes (NIDDM).


Bilberry may lower the risk of some diabetic complications, such as diabetic cataracts and retinopathy.


Stevia has been used traditionally to treat diabetes. Early reports suggested that stevia might have beneficial effects on glucose tolerance (and therefore potentially help with diabetes), although not all reports have confirmed this. Even if stevia did not have direct antidiabetic effects, its use as a sweetener could reduce intake of sugars in such patients.

Ginkgo Biloba:

Ginkgo biloba extract may prove useful for prevention and treatment of early-stage diabetic neuropathy.


This herb has been used traditionally to treat diabetes. Triples insulin’s efficiency

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